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Towing Nepal To Rescue Damaged Ambulance For Free; Health Professionals Vehicles To Get A 20% Discount

Towing Nepal will provide free towing service to ambulance assigned with transporting Covid-19 patients, if the vehicle breaks down during the journey, due to any mechanical/electrical failure or accident. According to the company, the damaged ambulance will also be taken to the service center and repaired. The service is available across the country.Similarly, the company will provide a discount on towing services if required by the frontline workers.  If the vehicles of the frontline health workers, police, and transport professionals assigned for the assistance of patients get damaged during the service, they will be repaired at a 20 percent discount.Towing Nepal provides prompt and professional towing, and roadside assistance service.  For more information on this service, you can contact the hotline numbers 9802305050 and 9823025907.

Mahindra ADMahindra AD
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